Highlights from the Index of 'Welwyn Garden City Past' by Tony Rook, 2001
I've just moved to Welwyn Garden City, which is exciting. In order to learn more about my new surroundings, I googled, and found a book called 'Welwyn Garden City Past' by Tony Rook. Well, I found a copy of the index to the book. Here, mainly for my own amusement, I have provided potted highlights of the index here:
Black Death, 51
bus services, 87
cemeteries, 14-15, 18, 19, 58
chalk, 6-7, 9, 12-13
Chamber of Commerce, 95
‘Moo-cow Chapel’, 62
match manufacturers, 92
Norton Abrasives, 95
Wrestlers’ Bridge, 33, 34

This tells the story of the town I now live in pretty well, I think.