Tiger Woods PGA Tour 11: New Features
I've been lucky enough to have had a go on the new Tiger Woods PGA 2011 game. I thought I'd run through some of the key differences between previous versions so you can see what's new:
- New Contrition Mode: accurately simulates handwringing and looking rueful with new EA© Sorrowometer©
- Fully Immersive Emergency Press Conference Mode featuring accurate simulations of top golf writers and seedy tabloid hacks.
- 15% more shots of three-time US Open©-winner Tiger Woods looking stern and sad, as though his past indescretions weigh heavily upon his broad, successful shoulders (see picture above).
- Now features no women golfers, just to be on the safe side.
- New voiceover of your dead dad, expressing his dissapointment in you, after every shot you play.
- New unlockable feature enables you to appease both sponsors and wife with a press release through your manager
- New downloadable content allows you to keep your game up-to-date with the latest leaderboards, world rankings, weather conditions and steamy sex scandals.
- Balls now harder to hit, reflecting your mental anguish.