Cantona, Eric: aloofness of, 69; allrightness of in private, 71; unexpected talent for swearing, 72-8
Charlton, “Big Jackie” Jack: undeserved reputation as halfway able manager of, 86-90; truisms spouted by, 88; crapness of, 85-100; increased crapness of sidekick, see Setters, Maurice
Dalgliesh, Kenny: self-considered non-fuckability with of, 88; is fucked with, 89
Drinking: proficiency in, 12-13, 25, 32, 67-9, 78-82, 134, 176; fondness for, 13, 65, 79; retrospective regret for, 236
Facilities: annoyance at lack of, see Wembley, Landsowne Rd, USA, Etc.
Ferguson, Alex: drooling testimonials to the greatness of, 96-108, 110-301; powers of omnipotence attributed to, 265; overuse of the word ‘manage’ in relation to, 242; ability of to be one step ahead of the game, 183
Gladhandling: dislike of, 34, 37, 89, 190
Haaland, Alfie: tackles against, 99, 178; grievances nursed against, 100-176
Ireland, Republic of: woeful preparations, administration, facilities and management of, 13-23, 45, 78; the above in comparison to Nottingham Forest and Manchester United, 79, 101, 106-7
Late tackles: approval of, 52, 78; ability to commit, 49, 88
Living: dislike of players who consider the game owes them a, 15-18, 98-105
Neville, Gary: sinister assertion that he was never a kid, 154
Pearce, Stuart: idolisation of, 35-46, 48-9, 101, 134; professionalism of, 35-46, 48-9, 101, 134; hardness of 35-46, 48-9, 101, 134
Professionalism: approval of, 1-15, 17-60, 65-80, 98-253
Robson, Bryan: Steve Bruce almost as good as, 182
Schmeichel, Peter: dislike of, 109, 120-1; posing of, 115
Setters, Maurice: sound of an axe being ground against, 92-3, 147-9, 201
Small-talk: dislike of, 56, 82-3, 99, 103-4, 203
Solskjaer, Ole Gunnar: assertion that he is a baby-faced assassin, 153; literal assertion that both baby-faced and an assassin, 153; unspellability of, 153
Swearing: talent of Eric Cantona for, see Cantona, Eric; author’s gratuitous uses of, 1-156, 158-301
Third person: self referred to in, 2, 5, 8-25, 34, 44, 56-79, 92-100, 108-156, 180, 182, 223-256, 258-300
Tracksuits: incorrect size of in RoI training, 84
Violence: justifications for, 22, 35, 46-8, 66, 84, 91-3, 110-2, 115, 118, 164
Wembley: on failing to be turned on by, 170
And that's quite enough of that, except to sum up the book in the style of its author:
Blows were exchanged. I gave as good as I got.